When companies change their executives / senior management the ideal profile is depicted in the “famous” job profile. In this document the HR responsible usually with help of the stakeholders ( Shareholders, Board of Directors, CEO, Consultants, etc.) do their best to describe the ideal profile for the vacant job.
Funny thing though , the described profile is something that the specific organization would like to have, or let me say it differently , it is something that is nice to have …..
Let’s assume that the recruiting , through own resources or through external help (recruiting companies), runs smoothly and you get almost a perfect match to the described and documented ideal profile.
From here on the adventure starts and a very big question is starting to be more and more visible.
If you talk to each and every stakeholder they will say that yes they want the new guy…but are they ready for the change and what this change will imply ?
People are different from each other therefore it is more than obvious that the new guy coming in will have his/ her own view on the organization and thus the change.
Usually this topic is solved through induction days/ programs that should help to adjust to the new organisation easy and quickly. Here usually HR is the main contact.
Coming back to the change ….What do you do in case of executives / senior management ?
For executives / senior managers change management is or at least should be part of their leadership ability. Leadership can be traced back to results and results are most of the time benchmarked against targets.
A successful organization should have clear vision , mission , values statements that again are part of the strategic management of any organization.
So coming back to executives / senior managers and change …..it is only fair to say that executives / senior managers must be strategic management savvy.
Well seasoned managers with experience in several areas are needed to have an successful organization. This kind of managers have a strong personality and character and are not very easy to handle.
Therefore the organization must adjust in order to be successful or can choose not to adjust and take the risk that the new hired executive / senior manager will not fit in and eventually leave the organization.
What is more costly ? To change or not to change ?